“Absorbed in the Meaning and Drowned in Claiming”: The Title Bestowed on Hallaj by Al-Hujwīrī and the Role of Teaching of Junayd of Baghdad
Subject Areas : MythoZahrā Pārsāpour 1 * , Seiyyedeh Maryam Ameili Rezāei 2 , Saeed Mazroeiān 3
1 - The Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, IHCS
2 - The Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, IHCS
3 - M.A in Persian Language and Literature, IHCS
Keywords: Hallaj, Kashf al-mahjūb, Claiming and Meaning, language of Sign, Language Gesture,
Abstract :
The recklessnesses of Hallaj in breaking the traditions of the Sufis and his expelling from the circle of great Sufis, especially Junayd of Baghdad, caused the mystics to pay little attention to him in many of their early works and to mention only a few short anecdotes about him. But for the first time, al-Hujwīrī in his book, Kashf al-mahjūb (Unveiling of the Hidden), sought to respond to the accusations made against Hallaj. Al-Hujwīrī belongs to the school of Junayd and turns a blind eye to Junayd's opposition to Hallaj in order to acquit Hallaj in such a way that no one slanders Junayd. Using the descriptive-analytical method, in the present article, we have examined Al-Hujwīrī 's attitude towards Hallaj and have carefully considered the title "absorbed in the Meaning and drowned in claiming” bestowed on Hallaj by him. Examining the various instances of "claiming" and "meaning" in Kashf al-mahjūb, shows that "the language of sign and gesture” is the most important example in the book. From this perspective, Hujwīrī tries to show that Hallaj's recklessness in revealing divine secrets is a "claim"; he links the procedure of Hallaj to the subject of “sobriety (sahw) and intoxication (sukr)” and confirms Junayd's view that “silence is preferable to words”.
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