The study of investigating the necessity of utilization information systems in order to documentation in construction projects
Subject Areas : Management AccountingMandana Jazayeri 1 * , Ahmad Farahi 2 * , Mehdi Norooz 3 *
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
3 - ندارد
Abstract :
Construction companies in today's changing world filled a significant role in the processof global economy and the significant volume of liquidity of countries flows in thiscompanies.Nowadays, these companies are faced with a new condition. ON one hand, countries needdevelopment of infrastructure and on the other hand, developments in global process have asignificant impact to them. These companies are constantly growing, but their durability andsurvival requires the use of modern management tools and information system, because ifthey can’t reduce the cost and increase the quality, they won’t have a place in competition.These companies should change their traditional methods to modern methods through acodified program and be prepared for upcoming situations. Technical documentation is aneffective solution to reduce the cost of constructional management that leads to Increaseproductivity also. Technical documentation is a branch of knowledge management fortransferring experience and tacit/objective knowledge among other projects.Due to the nature of constructional project, there is a need to information technology toolsespecially information system, for targeted, correct and complete documentation .In this study, the impact of information systems based on technical documentation, on theknowledge management cycle and consequently the technical documentation, has beenevaluated. This purpose achieve by scrutiny of using information systems in each cycle ofZack Cycle in knowledge management, which include collecting, refining, storage / retrieval,distribution and display data. It was concluded that it seems to be necessary using informationsystems commensurate with the activities of this type of projects, for preventing duplicationof many waste of energy and capital in construction projects, In addition, by using thesesystems, intangible assets resulting from doing this kind of projects that are typically highvalue and will be collected and used, which is important for knowledge managementI hope the result of this research be able to answer many of the problems in thedocumentation of construction projects, and leads to reduce futile repetition and cost.