Critical Theory and its Role in Accounting
Subject Areas : Management AccountingShokrolah Khajavi 1 * , Zaemeh Neamatollahi 2
1 - Professor of Accounting, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.
2 - Ph.D. student of Management, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
Keywords: Critical Approach, Critical Accounting, Social Responsibility in Accou, Philosophical Basis,
Abstract :
Accounting systems in organizations are considered more likely as results of social phenomena instead of technical phenomena and must be percept through this social circumstance. A great changing of utilized approaches and viewpoints must be taken place, in order to precept accounting system as a social phenomenon. Critical approach is one of these changes which comes on to precept in social circumstance. So, in this research is tried to introduce critical approach usages in accounting to provide more possibility of accounting research using this approach. To have access to this point philosophical basis of critical approach and critical accounting are presented and some samples in literature of critical accounting are mentioned and categorized into critical management accounting, philosophical basis of critical accounting, social responsibility in accounting and positivism accounting critics afterwards. The principal point of these researches is their theoretical structure and a few of them are applied in practice.
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