The Role of Corporate Governance in Strategic Management Accounting
Subject Areas : Management Accounting
Khadije Ebrahimi Kahrizsangi
Vahid Bekhradi Nasab
1 - department of accounting, Najaf Abad branch, Islamic Azad Univercity, Najaf Abad, Iran
2 - Graduate of the Master of Accounting
Keywords: Corporate Governance, management accounting, Strategic Management Accountin, Strategic Governance,
Abstract :
Strategic management accounting is one of the systems that, in the present time, can be combined with the decisions made by financial managers in the value chain by using the techniques and participation of accountants in strategic management process in the current business environment. But unfortunately, despite the passage of time, strategic management accounting techniques still remain unknown to financial managers and have led to a reduction in the techniques and participation of accountants in strategic management process decisions. The purpose of this research is to investigate the role of corporate governance in strategic management accounting. The statistical population of the study consisted of all companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange from year 2011 to 2017. The sample also includes systematic elimination of 183 companies. The research method is based on multiple regression based data panel. Evidence of research suggests that among corporate governance factors, non-executive members of the board of directors, the board of directors and the audit committee have used strategic accounting management techniques. Overall, the results showed that the audit committee, more than other corporate governance mechanisms, uses the strategic management accounting technique.
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