The role of corporate transparency in determining the relationship between government political support and the performance of the companies listed on Tehran Stock Exchange
Subject Areas : Management Accountingحمید محمودآبادی 1 * , زهرا نجفی 2 *
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
Keywords: Political Support, transparency of information pe, mediator
, variable,
Abstract :
This research aims to investigate the role of corporate transparency in determining therelationship between government political support and the performance of the companieslisted on Tehran Stock Exchange. The results of analyzing panel data for the years 2003-2010,demonstrate that there is a negative and significant relationship between government politicalsupport and information transparency, but according to the results, there is not any significantrelationship between government political support and information transparency with ROA.However, when, firm performance is peroxide by Tobin-Q, there is a positive and significantrelationship between government political support and firm performance. Results alsodemonstrate that information transparency acts as a mediating variable in the relationshipbetween government political support and Tobin-Q.In the other words, government politicalsupport reduces information transparency and in turn, low transparency caused betterperformance.
فهرست منابع
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