The influence of Financial Variables’ Time Lags in Predicting Operating Profit and Operating Cash Flows
Subject Areas : Management Accountingاحمد خدامی پور 1 * , رضا پوراحمد 2 * , علی ترک زاده ماهانی 3 *
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
3 - ندارد
Keywords: Operating cash flows, Operating profit, accruals, Time lags,
Abstract :
The goal of this study is to appraise the ability of two variables, operating cash flows andaccruals in predicting operating cash flows and Operating Profit with time lags. The studyperiod is from 2005 to 2010.The regression results for hypothesizes show that there is a significant relationshipbetween future operating cash flows and cash component of Operating Profit, and current yearshows the highest relationship in relation to all the lags. Also, the results reveal that, there is asignificant relationship between future operating cash flows and accrual component ofOperating Profit, and two years lags show the highest relationship in relation to other lags andcurrent year. Furthermore, The results indicate that there is a significant relationship betweenfuture Operating Profit and, cash and accrual components, and four years lags show thehighest relationship in relation to other time lags and current year. So, recording to thisresearch, the best predicting of Operating Profit and Operating Cash Flows will be receivedon these time lags.
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