Investigate the Relationship Between Intellectual Capital of Board and Financial Performance of Accepted Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange
Subject Areas : Management Accountingشهین دهقان هراتی 1 * , علی فاضل یزدی 2 * , حسین جباری 3 , احمدعلی اسدپور 4 *
1 - ندارد
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4 - ندارد
Keywords: Corporate Governance, Intellectual Capital, Firm Value, Financial Performance, knowledge-based companies,
Abstract :
In recent decade development of information and rapid advancement of technology hascreated great change in all aspects of human life and activities and has caused movingtowards the knowledge-based economy and has led to change dominant paradigm on theindustrial economy. So it can be seen today knowledge and Information-based economy thatthe basis and foundation on which is based on the intangible assets and intellectual capital. Insuch environment, intellectual capital of organizations has been considered more than past asa competitive advantage.This study aimed to investigate the effects of intellectual capital of the board of directorson firm’s Value and financial performance of listed companies in Tehran Stock Exchange andthe main purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of the variables on each other in thefield of the knowledge-based sectors. Hypotheses are based on three variables: Number ofdirectors with Ph.D. degree, Tobin’s Q and Return on Equity and in sample of 60 listedcompanies in Tehran Stock Exchange and using data for the years 1388-1390, were analyzedusing correlation and regression. The results of this analysis indicate that:The number of scientists on the board has a positive impact on the firm’s Value andfinancial performance in knowledge-based sectors.
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