Identification of Factors Affecting on Accounting Student’s Achievements in Advanced Accounting Course
Subject Areas : Management Accountingمحمدرضا شورورزی 1 * , علی معقول 2 * , مریم کده 3
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
3 - ندارد
Keywords: accounting principles, intermediate accounting course, Mathematics courses, advanced accounting courses, score of Azad Islamic universi,
Abstract :
The main goal of this research is to indentify factors affecting on the success of accountingstudents (undergraduates) in the advanced accounting course. for this purpose, it evaluates theeffects of factors such as gender, diploma educational field, college entrance examinationscore, mean score of accounting principles, mean score of intermediate accounting and meanscore of mathematics courses and independent variables on the student’s achievements in theadvanced accounting course. this research analyze, relationship between independent anddependent variables by forming six hypotheses and based on data about students who hadbegun their education in accounting field at Azad Islamic university-Neishabour during2003-2007(Lunar hegira). The results of studies according to statistical tests, Pearsoncorrelation coefficient, simple linear regression analysis, variance analysis and T-Test haveshown that: There is a significant relationship between student’s scores of collegeentrance examination, accounting principles courses, intermediate accounting and mathematicand their achievements in learning advanced accounting subjects 1 and 2. In other words,better learning and more attempting can effect directly on students success in understandingof subjects of advanced accounting courses. Results of research have intermediate accounting,and mathematics, course play a role as predicator of achievement in advanced accountingcourse. There was found no significant relationship between student’s scores in advancedaccounting course whose diploma educational field has been (the) humanities, experimentalsciences or technical sciences. In other words, gender and education field may not affect onstudents achievement in learning of advanced accounting subjects. Results of research implythat these two factors can not be a significant predicator of performance in advancedaccounting course.
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