Strategic Statues of Iraq’s Kurdistan in Iran-Israel Foreign Policy
Subject Areas : Journal of Law and PoliticsAli Reza Mousavizadeh 1 * , Mahdi Javedani Moghaddam 2 *
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
Keywords: Israel, Iraq’s Kurds, The Great Kurdistan, Middle East, Iran, Turkey,
Abstract :
Strategic alliance of Israel with Iraq’s Kurds brings about the stability of national security strategyand Israel’s foreign policy in the Middle East to extend Israel’s presence in the region. In the wakeof new changes in Iraq’s Kurdistan and increasing the political, economic and social activities ofthe Iraq’s Kurds, Israel has sought to highlight its presence in the region. Hence, Israel has newlycommenced closed cooperation with Iraq’s Kurdistan through its direct presence in the region orby interfering Kurdistan’s economic and social affairs following the formation of a new unifiedstrategy in the Middle East based on «Environmental Unity» doctrine This issue gained someopposition from the regional countries like Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey about Israel and Kurdistanrelationships and consequently prevalence of the news about the presence and interference ofIsrael in the region; as in some cases the Turkish and Arab media in the region have been keen toexaggerate. This article aims to study the mutual strategic interests of Israel and Iraq’s Kurdistanthrough examining the background relationship and its new changes, specially Israel’s attemptsto make moves in the Iraq’s Kurdistan region. Then, by means of studying the outcomes of theirinteraction both inside the region and beyond, the article tries to provide solutions to maintain thenational benefits of I.R. Iran.