Ideology, Discourse and Political Analysis
Subject Areas : Journal of Law and Politics
1 - ندارد
Keywords: discourse, Ideology, Knowledge, Critical
, Theory, Structure, Language, Post-Structuralism,
Abstract :
The decline in attention to the ideology factor representsone of the consequences of the rise of relativist and nonessentialistperspectives in political science. This process beganwith resort to the critique of subjectivism and battle against thetheory of truth in politics. The author, in this article, argues that not only influencing the concept of ideology has no bearingon subjectivism, but also a new horizon could be achieved byoffering a new understanding of the concept of ideology withinthe framework of a discourse theory. The author proposesa theory of ideology which completes the theory of discourseand does not contrast it. Hence, in his opinion, maintaining thedistinction between the two concepts of ideology and discourseis useful and better explains the relationship existing betweenthe political order-symbols and power.