ICSID Tribunal’s jurisdictional Decision Analysis in Tokios Tokeles v. Ukraine Case Number ARB/02/18 on 29 April 2004
Subject Areas : Journal of Law and Politics
1 - ندارد
Keywords: ICSID Arbitration Tribunal, ICSID Convention, Bilateral Investment Treaty (B, Foreign Investment , Jurisdict, Admissibility of Claims,
Abstract :
In this article, a sample of ICSID arbitration tribunal’s jurisdictional decisionregarding to conditions and foundations of jurisdiction and admissibility of claimshave been studied. regulatury powers of the contracting parties of the bilateralinvestment treaty in determining legal personality of investor is taken intoconsideration in the light of ICSID convention’s purposes.Studying the terms of this decision and its analysis in this article is considered as asuitable guidance for Iranian authorities in order to join into ICSID Convention andto conclude some bilateral treaties in supporting foreign investment.