The Geopolitical Displacement of Capitalism: NATO, the Agent of Armed Capitalism
Subject Areas : Journal of Law and Politics
Mahdi Khalafkhani
Mahdi Abedi
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
Abstract :
The collapse of former Soviet Union has resulted to erroneous interpretation that NATO has cometo an end. Thus, several political scholars such as Henry Kissinger, Ronald steel Hogh de Santisand Structuralist Kenneth Waltz talked about “The end of NATO”. For some causes such as theDevelopment of religious fundamentalism, International terrorism, the necessities of new democraticworld order and the security of Global economic order has turned the discussions on theresurgence and the Development of NATO Among several factors affected the development ofNATO in central Asia and caucuses, this article seeks to explain and analyze one of the main causesfor the development and geographical displacement of NATO, i.e. economic factors. As far as theconcern outhor concerns, the establishment of former Soviet Union has been the most eminentanti-mega trend against the Development and globalization of Capitalism. As a consequence, theGlobalization of Capitalism was postponed from 1917 to 1990. After the collapse of Soviet Unionand Chinese Economical over viewing, Capitalism Found a suitable opportunity to change into aworld Economic Hegemony and to reconstruct the new order. For multiple causes that have generallybeen commented by Immanuel Wallerstein, the theoretician of world order, Capitalism hasalready undertaken for geographical displacement and annexation of the new regions into its territory.The two instances on which, as Wallenstein believes, the survival of Capitalism is dependent.He maintains that the improvement of transportations, communications, and Armament steadilydecrease the costs of the annexations of new regions into central areas. moreover, heclaims that continuum expansions are deliberate process which benefit various military,political, and economical pressures and have overcome the political resistances in the territorywhich the mentioned Geographical expansion made. Writer believes that the NATO expansion is the prerequisite of Capitalism Development. Capitalism and its optimal functioningis vigorously related to the security. In some cases Central Asia is deemed as an originalregion for the world of economy.These origins confront multiple ethnic and religiouschallenges due to their ethnic and demographic structures. Last but not least, these originsare contiguous to the climacteric middle East, so they are likely to be affected by such criticalareas.Thus, NATO expansion is considered as necessary security coverage to createstability for foreign investment in order to benefit the current potentials and to decrease thecosts. This article says (Hypothecs) that the Development of NATO in Central Asia andCaucuses, decreases the annexation costs of new regions to World Economy in order toglobalizing the Capitalism, while reinforcing the security of stability.