US Defense and Foreign Policy after the September 11th
Subject Areas : Journal of Law and Politics
1 - ندارد
Keywords: Compulsion and Coercion, Preventive and Pre-emptive
, A, Terrorism, Genocide, Greater Middle East Initiative,
Abstract :
This article is a study of the American compulsive and coerciveforeign policy formulation and its defence stategy on preventive war andpre-emption after the September 11/2001. The immediate application ofthis policy was a broader formulation of coercive and compulsive foreignpolicy which accepted the right of the U.S. to pursue unilateral or even multilateralsolutions, and also a doctrine permitting pre-emptive and preventivestrikes against contemporary international terrorism, terrorism and genocide(nuclear terrorism). These policies, developed during the invasion ofAfghnistan and Iraq wars. Supporters of the Bush doctrine, also described as the neo conservatives, advocate the dominance of Middle East issues by theU.S. and are involved in this plan (Greater Middle East Initiative). The authorbelives that this strategy is based on fostering economic progress and thedeveloping skill levels of the politics in this region, instead of, dealing withimplications for settlement on core issues of the Palestinian-Israeli ongoingdisputes. The new national security strategy of the united states issued afterthe September 11th, is a policy of actively ignite a new era of economicgrowth in Arab countries and finite political resources for them to meet theU.S. priorities