Trans Atlantic Inclinations & the New French Middle Eastern Foreign Policy
Subject Areas : Journal of Law and PoliticsDr. Saeed Taeb 1 * , Alireza Mollaghadimi 2 *
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
Abstract :
Under Chirac, France, in accordance with the Gaullistic principles of her president, tookdistance from American unilateral policies. Such a policy brought about the disintegrationof two western powers from each other, increasing the cost of the foreign policy and finallyweakening her conventional Middle East achievements. Moreover, this policy, whiledemonstrating inefficiency of Gaullistic principles in the new international circumstances,resulted in the advent of novel variables such as the emergence of new powers in the shadowof US preponderance, clash of civilizations and especially putting forward the theory of Islamand West conflict and globalization of Economy. To respond the existing costly situation, thenew generation of French politicians, through revising the foreign policy, have approved offinal integration of France with the US within Trans Atlantic policies.This paper examines both French new foreign policy and its origins. It also shows despiteverification of the French policy makers in revising the Gaullistic principles, their new policyof integration with the US in some regions like the Middle East has been achieved only on thebasis of pragmatism, and not necessarily because of the French definite understanding of thenew international circumstances. The findings of this work demonstrate that for France thisvery transition period diplomacy has brought about positive results such as a decrease in thecost of foreign policy as well as promotion in her Middle Eastern prestige and position.