Postmodernism in the International Relations
Subject Areas : Journal of Law and Politics
Alireza Azghandi
Mohsen Mahmoudi
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
Keywords: Postmodernism, Power-knowledge relation, Textual strategies, sovereignty, Independent
, state, Ethics,
Abstract :
Postmodernists in the arena of International Relations maintain that it is possible to ventureinto the field and view its subjects and principles in different ways. From their point of view,the basic concepts of classical IR theories have collapsed and loosen their certainty and universality.In this new approach, what has previously been in the foreground can be marginalizedand the issues which have been downgraded marginal can be brought to the mainstreamof international studies. The main target of postmodernists like Der Derian, Ashley, Diutakand others is to problematize and eliminate those assumptions of IR theory. Which claim todemonstrate the reality at international level and recognize it through positivist methods. Thisarticle is divided into four sections: the first deals with the relationship between power andknowledge in the context of IR; the second discusses a summary of textual strategies appliedin postmodern approaches to international relations; the third section shows how postmodernismin related to the state, and the forth section briefly explains the ethical orientation ofpostmodernism.