Foreign Policy Analysis Changes in the International Relations Debates
Subject Areas : Journal of Law and Politics
1 - ندارد
Keywords: Foreign policy, International Politics, Actors, Countries of
, the South, realism, Comparative Policy, Constructionalism, Conversation
, Analysis,
Abstract :
The author in this paper analyzes the changes in foreign policygrowing out of the new thinking in international relations debates. Theauthor here has the advantage in his analysis of having been able to moredefail and alternatives within the changes. He outlines the institutionaldomain of foreign policy in international relations debates and examines itsconnection with international politics. The author makes a striking case onsetting out to fashion and implement a foreign policy, as well as, circumscribing the debates among idelists and realists and also the debates withinthis sphere between traditionalists and behaviorists. This paper provides theclearest indication of how the different concerns and insights of the statesaffects the political analyzes. He deals with what he calls chronicle in thenature of international politics and relationship between states. The authorhere provides varying perspectives of international relation’s thinkers anddoers and also demonstrates the role of countries of the south in framingthe rise of international system. This paper probides the policy alternativessupported by various groups within the elite, like: Kenneth Waltz, Alisonand Singer.