Evaluation of the legal system of Iran and England regarding silence, the types and exceptions to silence
Subject Areas : Journal of Law and PoliticsEhsan Azimi Moayedi 1 , Jalil Maleki 2 *
1 - student
2 - Professor
Keywords: silence, legal system, custom, exception to silence, Iran and England,
Abstract :
Silence, from the root of silence, means shutting down, and the meaning of refraining from speaking is also attributed to it. The meaning of silence in Iran is not clear in many cases, which has led to the question of whether silence can mean silent will, and in which cases does silence mean consent? What is the concept of silence and its examples in other countries such as England? what are the commonalities and differences in the works of silence and its exceptions in the two countries? Since in the legal system of Iran and England regarding silence, types, commonalities and differences and exceptions in the works of silence, no comprehensive research has been done so far, so it is necessary to conduct this research.
In Iranian law, silence is not a sign of the silent person's will, and nothing can be inferred from his situation. Legislator in Iranian law has declared the prohibition of the influence of silence in the legal relations of parties and contracts, and the laws of our country have taken the rule of silence in the explanation of the will from the Islam.
The exceptions to the rule of the valuelessness of silence in the legal laws of all countries are almost the same. In English law, which consists of the decisions of Parliament and the courts, although there may be exceptional cases where silence may constitute implied acceptance, it is clear that as a general rule silence cannot constitute implied acceptance in English law.
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