A Study of Specific Performance in the English Legal System with a Glance to Mandatory Enforcement in Iranian Law
Subject Areas : Journal of Law and Politics
1 - Assistant Professor of Departement of Private Law, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran.
Keywords: Specific Performance, Euity, Damage, Common Law, Conscience,
Abstract :
Although according to common law-which is considered as traditional part of the English law- the default remedial method instead of voluntary enforcement of agreement is the demand for damages from the creditor, in cases such as the sale of immovable or unique property-which payment of damages, does not provide sufficient or appropriate remedy for the creditor-or difficulty of determining damages, the remedial method of Specific Performance was gradually accepted in that country's laws. When issuing such a verdict, the court pays attention to the claimant's behavior, condition of the defendant, and effects it leaves on third parties and public and can oblige the debtor personally to enforce the agreed obligation. In case of refusal to fulfill the obligation, the debtor will be fined or imprisoned until the enforcement. However, in cases of sufficiency and proportionality of damages, as well as personal services, the need for continuous supervision, severe hardship caused by specific performance, and actions contrary to the plaintiff's conscience, the order for specific performance will not be issued. Although Iranian civil law writers, influenced by the famous jurisprudence and French law, considered the default method of remedy in breaching of obligation to be it's mandatory enforcement and suggested the possibility of resorting to alternative methods only in case of impossible enforcement. Inconsistency in provisions of the civil law and it's governing principles, such as good faith, prohibition of abuse of rights, and negation of hardship, indicate the existence of obstacles against the issuance of a mandatory enforcement order.
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