The establishment of sports rights federation is the necessity of today's sports community
Subject Areas : Innovation in Sports Managementmohammadreza akhgar 1 , mohammad Nikravan 2 * , Keivan Shabani moghadam 3 , Ezzatullah Shah mansuri 4
1 - PhD student of Sports Management, Department of Sports Management, Borujard Branch, Islamic Azad University, Borujard, Iran
2 - Professor of the Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Humanities, Azad University, Borujerd Research Sciences Unit
3 - Professors of Department of Physical Education - Humanities School - Razi University of Kermanshah
4 - Assistant Professor of Sports Management Department, Arak Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arak, Iran
Keywords: Sports Law, Keywords: Federation, sports community,
Abstract :
Review:Considering the expansion and professionalization of sports activities as well as the access of the country's sports to international arenas and the legal imperialism of the CAC Court, which has accelerated all aspects of sports; It is necessary to protect the rights of the sports family at the national and international levels; As the Medical Federation provides medical services to athletes; An independent federation can support athletes by providing legal services in the field of sports activities inside and outside the country.Due to the legal problems surrounding the country's sports, which unfortunately oftenlead to the condemnation of individuals, teams and sports federations at the international level, and generally lead to excessive costs on athletes, coaches, managers and sports federations, and this is a threat. It has become a great sport for the country and its media coverage and fringes have provided the ground for despair and hopelessness among athletes and managers.It seems that this important thing will be achieved with the establishment of the Sports Law Federation; The Legal Federation will definitely plan and implement international sports laws and general laws of the country to identify crimes and violations and then provide preventive solutions such as holding training courses, explaining the rules, preventing violations, corruption in sports, etc. to develop a scientific culture in management Crime prevention and accident reduction.As the results of the present study introduce this important "necessity of establishing a sports law federation" as an effective and efficient institution is a necessity of today's sports community.