Standardization of Social Exchange Questionnaire in Asia's Elite Football and Futsal Referees
Subject Areas : Innovation in Sports Management
Ramin Iraji Noghondar
Hamid Ghasemi
Abolfazl Farahani
1 - Ph.D Sport Management Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor in Sport Management, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Professor of Sport Management at Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Queationnaire, Social exchange, Referee, Sport.,
Abstract :
The aim of this study was to Standardization of Social Exchange Questionnaire in Asia's Elite Football and Futsal Referees. The statistical population of this study was elite soccer referees and Asian futsal in two sections of men and women, among which 292 questionnaires were collected. In order to collect data, a social-researcher-made social exchange questionnaire, which consisted of 31 questions, was used. Face and content validity of questionnaire was accepted after translation by professors sport management specialists. Statistical methods were descriptive statistics and Cronbach's alpha coefficient, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were used. Analytical results showed (α=0.90) reliability for Social exchange questionnaire. All questions had a significant relationship with their agent in reliability of Structure, the amount of relationship and T-value, and they could be a good predictor for their agent. X2/df=2.79, RMSEA=0.084 indexes and NFI=1.00, CFI=1.00, IFI=1.05, GFI=0.97 and AGFI=0.95 also confirmed the goodness of models. Also, the results about the relations of factors with the meaning of Social exchange showed that all factors could be a good predictor for the concept of Social exchange. Questionnaire Social exchange reliable and valid measure that can be used to evaluate Social exchange in the field of sports and reliable and consistent results are achieved.
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