Identifying effective factors in managing the behavior of famous sports figures in cyberspace
Subject Areas : Innovation in Sports Management
najaf kosari
رضا صابونچی
Alireza zand
1 - Doctoral student of Sports Management Department, Borujard Branch, Islamic Azad University, Borujard, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Sports Management, Borujard Branch, Islamic Azad University, Borujard, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor of Sports Management Department, Quds City Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Behavior management, celebrities, athletes, virtual space, advertising.,
Abstract :
The purpose of the research is to design a qualitative model for managing the behavior of famous sports figures in cyberspace. The research is qualitative. The participants of the research were media specialists, academic staff members familiar with the research topic, coaches, athletes of national teams and athletes who were active in cyberspace. For sampling purposeful sampling method was used and continued until the theoretical saturation limit was reached. Data analysis was also done using foundation data theory based on Glazer's model based on three stages of open, central and selective coding. In the first stage of open coding 114 codes, in the next stages by categorizing and summarizing and removing the similar codes, the final 50 codes are mostly in 9 main categories, including social behavior, cultural-religious behavior, education, value transfer, management, supervision, political behavior, Humanitarian behavior, honesty and ethics, interaction management and constructive content were identified. It seems that a famous sports figure should pay attention to the correct interaction with users, the protection of his and others' privacy, as well as adherence to moral principles and people's values and opinions in cyberspace.
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