Sociological analysis of the generation gap of children and parents awaiting the role of each other in the urban family of Iran (Case study of Tehran)
Subject Areas :
Journal of Iranian Social Development Studies
Habibollah Karimian
Mehrdad Navabakhsh
1 - Ph.D. Student of Sociology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Professor of Sociology
Received: 2017-11-24
Accepted : 2017-11-24
Published : 2017-08-23
Generation gap,
anticipation of role,
religious beliefs,
Abstract :
Family is one of the social institutions where the roles and role expectations are of great importance. In Iranian urban families, members play significant roles in relation to each other, and the expectations of each member of the role played by the other is also worthy of consideration. The multiple, and often ultimately conflicting, roles of the parents on the one hand, and the transition of urban families from tradition to modernity, on the other, have pushed the expectations of the parents of their roles away from what their children expect of their parents. The present field study is cross-sectional, extensive and practical in nature. The instrument used is a researcher-made questionnaire to collect the required data from the interviewees. The research population were all the families living in the 22 municipality districts of Tehran (2,597,731 families based on the 2011 census). The results show a significant difference between the parents and their children in level of education and attitudes towards innovation, individualism, and the generation gap. There is also evidence for the effect of the family’s socio-economic status on creation of a generation gap. There is also the effect of the children’s educational level on the formation of the gap. Parents and their children also differ in their observance of religious traditions and rites including prayer and fasting.
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Williams, L. and McBain. H. (2006). Integrating gender on multiple levels: A Conceptual Model for Teaching Gender Issues in Family Therapy. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. 32 (3): 385-397.