New DC/DC High Step Up Isolated Converter with ZVS
Subject Areas : Power electronics convertersEhsan Movahedi 1 * , Majid Delshad 2 , Ehsan Adib 3
1 - MSc - Department of Electrtical Engineering, Khorasgan Branch, Islamic Azad University
2 - Assistant Professor - Department of Electrtical Engineering, Khorasgan Branch, Islamic Azad University
3 - Assistant Professor - Department of Electrtical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology
Keywords: flyback, Sepic convereter, PWM control-ZVS,
Abstract :
In this paper we presents a soft switch sepic, flyback converter. At first the converter have hard switching in main switch and completely analysis then added auxiliary circuit for soft switching Auxiliary circuit in the converter is not only soft switching condition for the main switch but also prevents the spike voltage across the main switch when turned off that because leakage inductance. Therefore, the proposed converter efficiency in comparison with the previous converters increased and voltage stress on the main switch is reduced. Also the auxiliary switch in the converter have soft switching and thereby decrese losses. this converter Control with pwm.These converter have higher efficiency than the similar converters and the cost is low. Auxiliary circuit in the converter is not only soft switching condition for the main switch but also prevents the spike voltage across the main switch when turned off that because leakage inductance. Therefore, the proposed converter efficiency in comparison with the previous converters increased and voltage stress on the main switch is reduced.
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