A Reliable Routing Protocol for Wireless Vehicular Networks
Subject Areas : Wireless communicationMohsen Madani 1 * , Seyed Ahmad Motamedi 2 , Mostafa Mohammadi 3
1 - Ph.D Condidate /Shahr-e-Qods Branch, Islamic Azad University
2 - Professor/Amirkabir University of Technology
3 - Ms.c/Amirkabir University of Technology
Keywords: Stability, Inter-Vehicular Communications (IVC), link breakage, mobility information, Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANET),
Abstract :
Recently, much attention has been paid to Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET). VANETs address direct communication between vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicles to roadside units (RSUs). They are similar to the Mobile and Ad hoc Networks (MANET) in their rapid and dynamic network topology changes due to the fast motion of nodes. High mobility of nodes and network resources limitations have made the routing, one of the most important challenges in VANET researches. Therefore, guaranteeing a stable and reliable routing algorithm over VANET is one of the main steps to realize an effective vehicular communications. In this paper, a two-step AODV-based routing protocol is proposed for VANET networks. At first, node-grouping is done using their mobility information such as speed and movement direction. If the first step cannot respond efficiently, the algorithm enters the second step which uses link expiration time (LET) information in the formation of the groups. The goal of the proposed protocol is increasing the stability of routing algorithm by selecting long-lived routes and decreasing link breakages. The comparison of proposed algorithm with AODV and DSR protocols is performed via the Network Simulator NS-2. It is shown that the proposed algorithm increases the delivery ratio and also decreases the routing control overhead.