Assesment and Analyze Hybride Control System in Distribution Static Synchronous Compensator Based Current Source Converter
Subject Areas : Renewable energy
Sayed Mohammad Ali Zanjani
Zahra Azimi
Mostafa Azimi
1 - Department of Electrical Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran.
2 - MSc/Islamic Azad University - Najafabad Branch
3 - Isfahan Province Electricity Distribution Company (EPEDC)
Keywords: Distribution static synchronous compensator (D-Statcom), current source converter, state feedback control system, d-q control system,
Abstract :
With the rapid technology advancement in control processes, electric utilities are experiencing more demanding requirements on the power quality from the large industrial power consumers. For achieved this purpose use of FACTS devices. One of kind compensator is D-Statcom, using in distribution system for conquest of power quality problem. This paper presents system modeling and control design techniques of distribution static synchronous compensator. For reach an optimal design, using a hybride state-feedback and d-q control systems. Using direct sampling on network parameter, than conventional control system, as well as fast dynamic responses are achieved. The derived simulations are tried to verify the result of this paper.