Impact of Sink Node Placement onto Wireless Sensor Networks Performance Regarding Clustering Routing and Compressive Sensing Theory
Subject Areas : Renewable energyShima Pakdaman Tirani 1 , Avid Avokh 2 *
1 - MSc Student - Department of Electrical Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Isfahan, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor - Department of Electrical Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Najafabad, Isfahan, Iran
Keywords: خوشه بندی, شبکه های حسگر بی سیم, نمونه برداری فشرده, محل گره چاهک, تعداد ارسال ها,
Abstract :
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) consist of several sensor nodes with sensing, computation, and wireless communication capabilities. The energy constraint is one of the most important issues in these networks. Thus, the data-gathering process should be carefully designed to conserve the energy. In this situation, a load-balancing strategy can enhance the resources utilization, and consequently, increase the network lifetime. Furthermore, recently, the sparse nature of data in WSNs has been motivated the use of the compressive sensing as an efficient data gathering technique. Using the compressive sensing theory significantly leads to decreasing the volume of the transmitted data. Taking the above challenges into account, the main goal of this paper is to jointly consider the compressive sensing method and the load-balancing in WSNs. In this regards, using the conventional network model, we analyze the network performance in several different states. These states challange the sink location in term of the number of transmissions. Numerical results demonstrate the efficiency of the load-balancing in the network performance.
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