A New Approach in Designing Multi-Layer Frequency Selective Surfaces based on Tuning Pole-Zeros of Individual Layers
Subject Areas : Telecommunication field and waveMahmoud Fallah 1 * , Ali Abdolali 2
1 - Department of Electrical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Electrical Engineering, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Frequency selective surface, Miniaturization, periodic structure, radome,
Abstract :
In this paper, a new approach (not new technique) is introduced for designing frequency selective surfaces (FSSs). We try to compose the desired frequency response using the frequency response of each constituent FSS. Also, a new dual-band miniaturized frequency selective surface is proposed. In contrast to the conventional FSS design technique, the presented structure takes advantage of non-resonance elements and has unit cells with a miniaturized dimension. The proposed FSS cells are composed of two complex and inductive planes that act as a dual-band filter through the pass of electromagnetic wave propagation. The performance of this structure toward various angles of incident waves and different polarizations is stable.
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