Using Feedback Error Learning for Control of Electro Hydraulic Servo System by Laguerre
Subject Areas : Renewable energy
Amir Reza Zare Bidaki
Mojtaba Malboobi
Seyyed Mohammad Kargar
Mehdi Aliyari Shoreh Deli
1 - Instructor /Islamic Azad University, Boueen Zahra Branch
2 - Instructor /Instructor
Islamic Azad University, Science & Research Branch, Tehran
3 - Instructor /Islamic Azad University, Najafabad Branch
4 - Assistant Professor /Khajeh Nasirodin Toosi University, Tehran
Keywords: Electro Hydraulic Servo System (EHSS), Feedback Error Learning (FEL), Laguerre Controller,
Abstract :
In this paper, a new Laguerre controller is proposed to control the electro hydraulic servo system. The proposed controller uses feedback error learning method and leads to significantly improve performance in terms of settling time and amplitude of control signal rather than other controllers. All derived results are validated by simulation of nonlinear mathematical model of the system. The simulation results show the advantages of the proposed method for improved control in terms of both settling time and amplitude of control signal.
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