Reliability Evaluation of Power System SVC Types Using a Markov Chain
Subject Areas : Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS)
Ali Behdan
Bahador Fani
Ehsan Adib
1 - Islamic Azad University, Najafabad Branch
2 - Islamic Azad University, Najafabad Branch
3 - Esfahan University of Technology
Keywords: reliability, reactive power, Compensation of reactive power, Znjyrh Y Markov,
Abstract :
Static reactive power compensator (SVC) plays an important role in power system reliability stems. In evaluations of reliability, only reactive power is considered as a constraint network is placed in the SVC BrrsyHa impact on power system reliability evaluation techniques are still not considered. This type of SVC, the TCR-FC, TSC and TCR-TSC examined and the information wrong or repair parts of the states of the user. μ) is expressed.This type of SVC, the TCR-FC, TSC and TCR-TSC examine the error occurs and information HaltHay or repair parts used by our participants .Static reactive power compensator (SVC) plays an important role in power system reliability stems. Thus it is clear that λ is a parameter that indicates the error to each component, and μ is a parameter which indicates the service or go into the same circuit components and repair goes wrong. After the static reactive power compensator (SVC) plays an important role in power system reliability.
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