A Robust Neuro_Adaptive Control of Three Link SCARA Robot with Mass Uncertainty
Subject Areas : Robotic systems
Mansooreh Taslimi
Abbas Chatraei
Mojtaba Hosseini
1 - MSc /Islamic Azad University, Najafabad Branch
2 - Assistant Professor/Islamic Azad University, Najafabad Branch
3 - Assistant Professor /University of Applied Science and Technology
Keywords: Neural Networks, Adaptive control, Nonlinear mechanical arms, Lyapunov Stability,
Abstract :
The purpose of this paper is design of a neuro-adaptive controller for SCARA mechanical arm. First, a brief description of the work that has been done on similar systems will be presented and then using the Euler - Lagrange, based on kinetic and potential energy of the system, the dynamical equations of system will be calculated. The proposed controller is used to provide a suitable Lyapunov function, expression and comparative law will guarantee the stability of the closed loop system. All signals in the closed loop system are limited and the error signal tends asymptotically to origin. The control system is designed to demonstrate the efficacy of proposed controller on three links SCARA robot is implemented, the results of the controller performance guarantees.
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