Longitudinal Shunt Slot Excitation by Wiggly Ridge Substrate Integrated Waveguide
Subject Areas : Renewable energyMehdi Salemi 1 , Mehdi Moradian 2 , Reza Safian 3
1 - Azad university of najafabad
2 - Islamic Azad University of Najafabad
3 - Isfahan University of Technology
Keywords: HFSs, Longitudinal shunt slot, ridge substrate integrate waveguide, Wiggly, crinkle, antenna, Offset, butterfly lobes,
Abstract :
Application of a substrate integrated waveguide with wiggly ridge shape is presented for excitation longitudinal shunt slot antenna. Two main design equations for design substrate integrated waveguide structure and get parameters of structures, for longitudinal shunt slot excitation by shape wiggly ridge in substrate integrated waveguide are modified. Proposed method is used by applied the crinkle shape to ridge for ridge substrate integrated waveguide structure. This shape wiggly ridge just under longitudinal slot. The slot is place at centreline of substrate integrated waveguide (siw) in center of waveguide and on dielectric copper surface, top of substrate integrated waveguide. Amount of crinkle depth of waveguide centreline is proportional with needful radiation of slot and normalized conductance could be much to increase crinkle depth. In this paper the shunt element distribution assumption for prposed structure is spoted. Results of simulation show, proposed method is suitable candidate for replacing with usual longitudinal shunt slot. Structure’s useful is, low fabrication price, small profile and adaptation with microstrip circuit. Also slot place along waveguide centerline and wiggle depth substitute slot offset, therefore this procedure can suppress second order bim in array containing suggestion structure.
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