Adaptive Coordination of Fuse – Recloser in a Distribution System with High PV Penetration
Subject Areas : Renewable energy
Bahador Fani
Alireza Karbaschi
1 - Assistant Professor/Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University
2 - MSc - Department of Electrical Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad,
Isfahan, Iran
Keywords: Index Terms Distribution system, Fuse Saving Method, photovoltaic distributed resource,
Abstract :
The use of Distributed Generations in the distribution system, has been lead to improve both network voltage profile and power quality. But it can probably create miscoordination between protective devices. In this paper a new Time – Curent – Voltage characteristic is presented in order to return coordination between fuse and recloser. This method is based on a adaptive modification of fast operation curve of recloser, which is related to a voltage term that is infact the Perunit voltage amplitude of recloser at fault accurance point. Based on the presented method, relate to the fault location, the Time Dial Setting (TDS) modification index (MI) is determined in fault location. Thus, according to this index, TDS of recloser fast operation is modified adaptively. Finally, new recloser trip time is calculated in this conditions for fuse saving. Simulation results show the performance of the proposed methods for both different types of fault scenarios and variation of PV penetration.
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