Providing a Method Based on Data Mining and Semantic Web Techniques to Prioritize Software Requirements
Sahar Ghazizadeh
Department of Electrical Engineering- Larestan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Larestan, Iran
Seyedebrahim Dashti
Department of Computer Engineering- Jahrom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom, Iran
Keywords: clustering algorithms, Text Processing, Requirements prioritization, semantic similarity,
Abstract :
Requirements engineering is one of the important and main phases in the software development process. In this phase, various activities are performed by software engineers. In this paper, the problem of prioritizing requirements in the iterative software development process has been investigated. The main goal is to automatically find priority groups of requirements so that each group of requirements can be implemented in one iteration of the development process. For this purpose, data mining, text processing and semantic similarity techniques have been used. The proposed methods have been applied to the data set related to the requirements of different software. The proposed methods have different phases. In the clustering phase, various clustering algorithms such as K-Means, hierarchical clustering, and Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) have been used. In order to check the effectiveness of clustering methods, the results obtained for the prioritization of requirements have been compared with the priority groups determined by experts. The results of the comparison show that the presented methods have good and acceptable performance for classifying requirements and clustering methods. Proposed method provides an average of 3% better performance.
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