Design and implementation of a high step-up boost-fly back converter with soft switching
Subject Areas : Renewable energy
Ghasem Haghshenas
Mohammad Mehdi Mirtalaee
1 - Msc – Department of Electrical Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Najafabad, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor - Department of Electrical Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Najafabad, Iran
Keywords: soft switching, Boost-fly back converter, high step up converter,
Abstract :
In this paper a new soft switching boost-flyback converter is introduced to eliminate conventional boost-flyback converter problems in the high voltage applications. The main application of this converter is conction of PV system to the power system. In the proposed converter not only the operating duty cycles proper in high voltage gains but also the switch voltage stress is lower than output voltage. Also, in the proposed converter any auxiliary switch or magnetic core has not been used so the number of converter components has not increased much in comparison with the conventional boost-flyback converter. The operation principles of the proposed converter and its theoretical operation waveforms is presented. In order to justify the theoretical analysis, a prototype of the proposed converter is designed, simulated and experimentally implemented. The simulation and practical results are presented for a 100w boost-flyback converter with input voltage of 40V and output voltage of 400V.
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