Design and Implementation of an Optimal PV Refrigeration System in the Smart Grid Considering Multi-objective Optimization
Subject Areas : Renewable energy
Rasool Javizadegan
Mehdi Mahdavian
1 - MSc - Electrical Department, Naein Branch, Islamic Azad University, Naein, Iran
2 - Indicator - Electrical Department, Naein Branch, Islamic Azad University, Naein, Iran
Keywords: NSGA-II algorithm, smart grid, solar refrigerator, electricity dynamic pricing, sum weighted model,
Abstract :
Today, optimization in power systems is an unavoidable necessity. Energy intensity reduction in electrical devices and enhancement of their efficiency and performance, electricity loss reduction and voltage profile improvement of the power grid are some instances of optimization usage in power systems. Refrigerated systems, such as refrigerators, can, in addition to exploiting PV systems in a power grid, be part of the supply and demand of electrical energy, so that they store energy as energy and, in the necessary conditions, allow Energy to injecting into the power grid by a photovoltaic system. In this paper, the design and construction of a photovoltaic refrigeration system connected to the network and its optimal performance is discussed. The objective cost and refrigerating temperature functions are considered as two main goals and the final answer is chosen by using the non-dominated sorting genetic optimization algorithm and then using the weighted sum model method. The simulation results with MATLAB software as well as the results of implementing the proposed system's hardware system in the project verify both the performance and the optimal performance of the proposed system.
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