Identifying Elderly’s Psychological and Social Problems and Needs and Their Priorities: A Qualitative Study
Subject Areas : روان درمانگری
mehdi manouchehri
saeideh mohseni-nezhad
fatemeh khoramian
1 - Assistant professor, PhD of Health Psychology, Tehran Medical Science, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Data analyst, New Brain ware Group, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Department of Psychology, Faculty of Medicine, Tehran Medical Science, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Qualitative Research, elderly, sychological problems, social needs of the elderly,
Abstract :
This study aimed to identify the elderly’s psychological and social problems, their needs, and priorities in order to provide implications for future research and intervention. The research method is qualitative and the statistical population is all the elderly of Tehran city, who are members of the Center of Senior Citizens’Association of Tehran city. 48 people were selected by purposive sampling method (four groups of 12 people). To collect information, a focused group discussion method was used to collect issues and problems of the elderly. The nominal group method was used to prioritize issues and problems. Results of the research showed that in the sample of the elderly, the category of worries about children was given the highest priority. The category of disturbing thoughts and memories was the second priority of the elderly. The category of anxiety about diseases and the category of financial, social, and geographical issues were the third and fourth priorities. Loneliness was also the least priority among the elderly. The results of the present study can be used by therapists to develop intervention programs to address the psychological and social problems of the elderly.
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