The Model of Wisdom: Role of Personality Traits, Successful Intelligence With the Meditating of Patience and Self-Efficacy
Subject Areas : روان درمانگریRoghaye Ghorbani 1 * , Farhad Khormaiee 2 , Hamide Ghasemi 3
1 - PhD,
Yazd Farhangiyan University
2 - PhD,
Shiraz University
3 - PhD,
Ahvaz University
Keywords: successful intelligence, wisdom, coping self-efficacy, patience, personality,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research was to introduce and test a causal model of investigating wisdom behaviors. 440 undergraduate (281 women, 159 men) were selected by random cluster sampling method in Shiraz University in academic year 98-99. They completed Self-Assessed Wisdom Scale (Webster, 2003), NEO Questionnaire Short Form (Khormaei & Farmani, 2014), Successful Intelligence Scale (Sternberg & Grigorenko, 2002), Patience Scale (Khormaei, Farmani & Soltani, 2015), and Coping Self-efficacy (Chesney, Neilands, Chambers, Taylor & Folkman, 2006). The result of the present study supported the med- itational effect of patience and coping self- efficacy. In this regards, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism and successful intelligence predicted wisdom indirectly by the mediation role of patience and coping self-efficacy. Accordingly, 45% of the wisdom variance were explained by these variables. Therefore, the big factor personality dimensions and successful intelligence increasepa- tience. So students who are patience to face the problems have more coping self-efficacy skills than those who are not patience; and finally result, they would behave wisely.
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