The Relation of Attachment Styles and Parental Warmth to Child Depression: The Mediating Role of Self-Esteem
Subject Areas : روان درمانگریDonya Norouzi 1 , Mehrnaz Ahmadi 2 *
1 - MA,
in Clinical Psychology
Islamic Azad University
South Tehran Branch
2 - PhD,
Islamic Azad University
South Tehran Branch
Keywords: self-esteem, attachment styles, Children Depression, parental warmth,
Abstract :
The aim of present study was to examine the mediating role of self-esteem in relevance between attachment styles and parental warmth with depression. The research design was descriptive-correlational. Participants consists of 205 female primary school students who were selected by convenience sampling method in 2018-2019 academic year. All students completed the attachment styles classification questionnaire (Ricky Finzi-Dottan, 2006), Child Parental Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire (Rohner, 2007), Culture-Free Self-Esteem Inventory (Battel, 2002), Children’s Depression Inventory (kovacs, 1992). Pearson correlation test results showed among depression with self-esteem, secure attachment styles and parental warmth had pos- itive relation and with insecure attachment styles had negative relation (P<0/001). Also among self-esteem with secure attachment style and parental warmth had positive relation and with insecure attachment styles had negative relation (P<0/01).findings showed that, 25 percent of the variance in self-esteem can be explained by parental warmth and attachment styles. Also, attachment styles, parental warmth and self-esteem are able to account for 52 percent of the variance in depression among female students. In the rela- tionship among attachment styles and parental warmth with depression, the self-esteem had a mediation role In general, the findings showed that by raising parenting skills and increasing self-esteem levels in children with avoidant attachment styles, depressive symptoms can be prevented.
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