Psychometric Properties of Behavioral Emotion Regulation Questionnaire
Subject Areas : روان درمانگریHamid Barani 1 * , Mahboobeh Fooladchang 2 , Mohsen Arbezi 3 , Ziba Kabiri 4
1 - PhD Candidate in Educational Psychology Shiraz University
2 - PhD
Shiraz University
3 - PhD Student in Educational Psychology
Shiraz University
4 - MA in Educational Psychology Shiraz University
Keywords: reliability, factor analysis, validity, psychometric, behavioral emotion regulation,
Abstract :
The aim of the present study was to investigate the psychometric properties of Kraaij & Garnefski's behavioral emotion regulation questionnaire (BERQ). The present study was a correlational study, and more precisely the validation of the test. The study participants were 291 people (121 male, 170 female) who were studying in 1398-99 academic year at Shiraz University and completed Kraaij & Garnefski's behavioral emotion regulation questionnaire (2019), Garnefski et al.'s cognitive emotion regulation questionnaire (2001), Chen et al.'s Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction and Frustration Scale (2015) and Costa & McCrae'sNeuroticisim subscale (1992). After translating the BERQ, Confirmatory factor analysis and correlation with other scales were used to determine the validity. Cronbach's alpha method was also used to evaluate the reliability. The results of confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the five factors of Seeking Distraction, Withdrawal, Actively Approaching, Seeking Social Support and Ignoring. The results of correlation with other tests also confirmed the convergent validity of the scale. Also, all Cronbach's alpha coefficients indicated a high internal consistency of the factors. The results show that the BERQ has a very good validity and reliability in Iranian students, and is effective in measuring behavioral emotion regulation in the five dimensions mentioned.
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