The effect of teaching synectics on fourth-grade primary school students` creative thinking in experimental sciences course in Salmas
Subject Areas : Educational PsychologyAsadollah Khadivi 1 * , Vida Banaei 2
1 - Tabriz
2 - Tabriz
Keywords: Creativity, Fourth grade students, synectics, Science lessons,
Abstract :
This study aimed at examining the effect of using synectics methodology on fourth grade primary school students` creative thinking in experimental sciences course in Salmas during the academic year 1391-1392. The statistical population of this study included all fourth-grade primary students in the academic year 1390-1392, among whom 50 female students were selected through cluster sampling as the participants of this study. This research was a quosi-experimental study with pre-test – post-test control group design in which the data was gathered using Torrance creativity test. In the experimental group, synectics methodology was used to teach experimental sciences for three months whereas in the control group, traditional methodology was used to teach the same course. The data was gathered and the analysis of covariance was conducted. The results confirmed the main hypotheses of the study. It was revealed that synectics methodology has a positive effect on the creativity, fluency, expansion, and flexibility of the students` answers and ideas.
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