The Effect of Performance Tests on the Academic Achivement, Academic Attitude, and Retention Power of Junior High School Students in Mobarakeh
Subject Areas : Educational PsychologyHamid naghizadeh 1 * , Zohreh saadatmand 2
1 - کارشناسیارشد برنامهریزی درسی واحد خوراسگان)اصفهان(، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، اصفهان (مدرس دانشگاه فرهنگیان)، ایران
2 - استادیار علوم تربیتی، واحد خوراسگان(اصفهان(، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، اصفهان، ایران
Keywords: Evaluation, retention, performance test, academic achivement,
Abstract :
The present study aimed at investigating the effect of perfamance tests on the academic achievement, academic attitude and retention power of jounior high school students in Mobarakeh. The research populations of this study were all male and female students studying at jounior high schools in Mobarakeh in the academic year 1393-1394, who were 3886 students. From among this population, two male and female high schools were randomly selected, and from each high school, two grade seven classes were randomly selected as the sample of the study, one class as the experimental group and another class as the control group. The reseach design was quasi-experimental with pretest, posttest, and control group. A pretest and posttest were used to measure the participantsʼ retention power and academic achivment and a research-made questionnaire with 30 items were used to examine their academic attitude. The validity and reliability of the instruments were checked. The reliability coefficients of the academic achievement test, retention test, and the questionnaire were 0.88, 0.87 and 0.85 respectively. Aslo, a panal of experts confimed the face and content validity of the instruments. The collected datd were analyzed through covariance analysis. The results indicated that there was a significant difference among the means of academic achievement, retention and academic attitude between the experimental and control groups in the posttest (p<0.01). Hence, it was found that administering performance tests can have a positive effect on the academic achievement, academic attitude and retention in experimental sciences courses
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