Abstract :
The Nature of War (Mühārebeh) Mehdi Esmaeli [1] Abstract: The verse 33 of Ma’deh addresses criminalization of war (Mühārebeh) and corruption on earth (Efsad-fel-Arz), but has not provided any definition of such terms. Some jurists consider such terms as one and the same while there are others who differentiate them. Indications relevant to addictions to murder, igniting homes, witching, etc. all show that corruption on earth signifies a vast meaning and Mühārebeh is one signification of that. In addition, in definition components of Mühārebeh among jurists, there exists disagreement. Some jurists consider masculinity in its accomplishment, whereas others do not hold such a view. Groups of scholars suppose the necessary requirement of evils (Ahl-e-Ribeh), but others do not consider that requirement. Concerning weapons, crucifixion method, denial on earth, etc. there exists disparity of opinions. The study attempts to analyze the nature of Mühārebeh due to the fact that criminalization of Mühārebeh in Article 183 of Islamic Penal Law is of practical use in terms of concepts and instances. Additionally, it is attempted to synchronize the views among Imamiyeh and public jurists. Key Words: Mühārebeh, Corruption on Earth (Efsad-fel-Arz), Evils (Ahl-e-Ribeh), Weapons, Denial on Earth [1] . Faculty Member of Law Department at IAU, Ghaemshahr Branch, Iran.
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