Adaptation legal Jurisprudence the Criteria of the Organization of Crimes by investigating Crimes in Rule of War
Subject Areas :
teymoor taherloo
tayyebe arefnia
fariba pahlevani
1 - ph.D.student, Department of jurisprudence and Principals of Islamic Law , Yadegar-e- Imam Khomeini (RAH) Shahre Rey Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of jurisprudence and Principals of Islamic Law , Yadegar-e- Imam Khomeini (RAH) Shahre Rey Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of jurisprudence and Principals of Islamic Law , Yadegar-e- Imam Khomeini (RAH) Shahre Rey Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: organized crime, Islamic jurisprudence, Iran legal system, punishment exacerbation, crimes in the rule of war ,
Abstract :
there is no explicit and specific definition for organized crime and it is defined considering its features and with the existence of different definitions, the collectiveness features of this crime has been agreed upon by all scholars of this research field; according to Islamic jurisprudence, crimes with collectiveness features are considered organized, such as war crimes and crimes in the rule of war and the collectiveness of this crime exacerbates the punishments. In Iran legal system, crimes are considered organized whether they are inherently collective; like criminal offense; or individual crimes be committed in group or band and similar to a collective group whose criminals are punished in a same way. As well as the criminalization of such crimes in the statuary law and Islamic jurisprudence, this study aims at investigating the criteria of organized crimes in Islamic jurisprudence and statuary law and their adaptation and adherence from each other. descriptive-analytical research method was used in this study and information was collected using documentary method.according to the Results and Findings crimes like group theft, vanguard, the refusal of scholars from paying ransom, acts of praying, poets satirizing the holy prophet and Muslims to stimulate pagans fight against Muslims are considered among crimes in the rule of war and like organized crimes in statuary law are accompanied with the description of collectiveness and the participation of members in these crimes exacerbates the punishments.
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