The impact of financial and money market developments on foreign direct investment in Iran
Subject Areas : Journal of Investment KnowledgeGholamreza Zomorodian 1 * , Farhad Hanifi 2 , Babak Mahboubi 3
1 - Faculty of Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
(Corresponding Author)
2 - Faculty of Managmant, Central Tehran Branch,Islamic Azad Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - MA in Economics, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: foreign direct investment, Financial Market, real exchange rate, ARDL, tariff rates,
Abstract :
Foreign direct investment is one of the most important economic variables that due to its features can have a positive impact on economic growth. It will be useful Identifying the factors effecting foreign investment in countries that have failed in good use of FDI. In this paper, we investigate the effects of financial markets (money and capital markets) on foreign direct investment in Iran’s Economy during the period 1350 to 1393 ; using the form of an econometric model and a Auto Regressive Distributed Lag method. The results show that firstly long-term balance for foreign direct investment is established. Second, In the short-term development of financial markets has a direct positive impact on foreign investment; This impression is confirmed in long term money markets, but the market will not be approved. Third, the real exchange rate and the development of money and capital market has a positive impact and Conversely, capital stock, tariffrates and the nominal wage index has a negative impact on foreign investors.
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