Developing a Decision Support System for Enterprise Risk Management in Tanavar Co.
Subject Areas : Journal of Investment Knowledge
Narges Nemati
Sina Nematizadeh
1 - MSc Information Technology Management, Islamic AzadUniversity, Science & Research Branch
2 - Assistant Professor of Islamic AzadUniversity, Central Tehran Branch
Keywords: Enterprise Risk Management, Decision support system, Multiple Attribute Decision Ma, Fuzzy Inference System, Integer Programming,
Abstract :
Tanavar Co. has had problems in making strategic decisions, due to the lack of a systematic mechanism to manage risk events. Hence to facilitate the enterprise risk management (ERM) process, a decision support system which is able to support decision making at all stages of risk management process has been developed. This research introduces a methodology which supports decision making in the whole process of enterprise risk management and in addition applies multiple attribute decision making (MADM) tools such as weighing method based on eigenvalue approach and TOPSIS method, fuzzy inference system and also integer programming. Applying MADM models for using qualitative, quantitative and sometimes contradictory criteria, and also using experiences and opinions of experts, requires a decision support system. Thus for implementation and validation of recommended model, a software has been developed and applied in Tanavar Co. and specifically in Enghelab sport complex.