Ranking Iranian banks according to corporate governance based on banks documents
Subject Areas : Journal of Investment KnowledgeAli Mahdavi Parsa 1 * , Marziyeh Nourahmadi 2
1 - Ph.D. in Finance Management, Faculty of Management ,University of Imam sadiq, Iran
2 - MSc. in Finance Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting Sciences, University of Tehran, College of Farabi,Qom, Iran
Keywords: Corporate Governance, Islamic corporate governance, banking without rabbis, documents the banks,
Abstract :
The aim of this paper is to investigate and analyze the content of documents (including vision, mission, objective, ethic charter and fundamental values) of 36 bank and credit institution operating in the banking system without rabbis from the perspective of corporate governance in its categories and concept's. In this paper, after reviewing the literature of corporate governance and previous research on this subject , we review and analysis of documents Iranians banks and exploiting issues related to corporate governance, and assessing importance of this issue in Iranian banks and finally on this basis we ranking Iranian banks. Our research method is content analysis. The results suggest that attention to corporate governance and its implications in the documents Iranian banks is relatively low, Which reflects the significantly lower level of decision-making banks to corporate governance.
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