The impact of family ownership on capital structure on accepted company in TSE(based on agency theory)
Subject Areas : Journal of Investment KnowledgeHossein Fakhari 1 * , Elham Fasihe 2
1 - Department of Accounting, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran
2 - Department of Management, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran (Corresponding Author
Keywords: family ownership, Capital Structure, Agency theory, Profitability, Growth, Tehran Exchange,
Abstract :
Ralationship between the type of ownership and capital structure is such a controversial issue in financial affairs and accounting. also pervasiveness of family ownership in new tangled economies in recent years makes surveys necessary in this respect.accordingly,this study intends to initially the effects of family owner ship on capital structure of companies accepted in Tehran exchang(based on agency theory). Then factors in fluencing this relation ship is order to meet the above questions the related data of 22 companies accepted in Tehran exchang over the years 1387-1391 was collected and studied by mixed analysis. Research findings shows that domestic owner ship has positive and meaning ful effect on the accepted firms capital structure inTehran stock Exchange. Also growth and profitability has positivee and meaning ful coordination effect on the relationship between familyownership and capital structure Iran capital market.
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