Designing Investment Decision Support System in Holding companies
Subject Areas : Journal of Investment KnowledgeMohammadreza Mehrbanpour 1 * , M. Ebrahim Raei Ezabadi 2 , Gholamreza Sanaei 3
1 - Faculty member of Tehran University - Farabi Campus (Corresponding Author)
2 - PhD student financial management Tehran University Farabi campus
3 - Master of Management and Director of Planning of Hekmat Iranian bank
Abstract :
Decisions relating to portfolio selection have been a main concern of multi business companies' managers. Selecting industries for long-term success of the business strategy and strategic planning is essential. The set of industries in which a firm operates on, affect the ability of that firm in sharing resources and creating synergy among subsidiaries. For determining the Target industries of bank's holding company, we should differentiate available industries in the holding and new industries that the holding can be inserted into them. In this research, after determining the relations between criteria with dematel, we use analytical network process to prioritizing criteria and different industries. Finally, we use linear goal programming to designing an effective mechanism for determining the quantity of each industry. After solving the model with Lingo software, the results show the compatibility of the investment portfolio with the bank's policies and multi business holding companies in our country. The attained model is the first model that solves portfolio selection problem in multi business companies and can be developed.
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