An overview of contractual methods of financing energy projects with emphasis on Project revenues
Subject Areas : Journal of Investment Knowledgesadegh abdi 1 * , mohammad amin salarian 2
1 - Ph.D. in oil and gas law, university of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2 - Ph.D student at azad university,
Keywords: project financing, BOT contracts, corporate financing, buy-back contracts, Foreign investment,
Abstract :
Choosing the best method for implementing infrastructure projects is always the main concern of governments, especially the governments of developing. One of the main issues in the field of oil projects is the supply of capital for these projects. According to the international oil companies and national oil companies, how and in what way will attempt the funds required for the implementation of oil projects, Outcome and financial effects also, consequently, will be different. Up to now, various methods have been implemented for this purpose. In general, financing is divided into two parts: Corporate financing and project financing. In This paper is paid to examine the contractual terms of financing a project looking at the oil and gas industry as well as a quick look at the Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Act (FIPPA) and its implementing regulations to attract foreign investment for projects in the country
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