Develop a Model of Factors Affecting Investment Performance and Analyze and Compare with Structural Equation Methods and Data Panel
Subject Areas : Journal of Investment Knowledge
maryam ajam
zahra Lashgari
1 - Department of Accounting, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran.
2 - Department of Accounting, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran.
Keywords: Accounting Quality Information, Investment performance, Capital Cost, Audit quality, structural equations,
Abstract :
The power of profitability and increasing the wealth of shareholders in the enterprise requires the optimal use of resources and performance efficiency, especially in investment; In this regard, the effect of accounting information quality on investment performance was investigated by the role of auditing quality adjustment and capital cost; Therefore, the proposed theoretical model was first evaluated by distributing a questionnaire among 44 experts by Delphi method and analyzing it by structural equation method. Thus, the most effective factor was the quality of accounting information (profit forecasting) and audit quality (institutional size); Then, the theoretical model designed with selected factors with 138 companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange in the period 2013 to 2020 were tested by data panel method. The results showed that the quality of accounting information improves investment efficiency and more or less reduces investment; Also, the quality of the auditor and the cost of capital as moderators strengthen the relationship; These results were confirmed both by questionnaire analysis by structural equations and by regression method. The proposed model of this research can provide a good view of the factors affecting the efficiency of investment for stakeholders to provide the ground for improving the quality of investment and on the other hand to monitor the efficiency of investment.
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